Defectos y Enfermedades de la Papa

El profesor Lyu Dianqiu dirige el equipo de investigación técnica.
Enero 23, 2024

China: desarrollan nueva tecnología para la detección de virus en 5 minutos

China desarrolla un nuevo método de detección de virus en papa capaz de ofrecer resultados en tal solo 5 minutos.
Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance
Agosto 23, 2022

Chinese Scientists clear up further details of the complex regulation of Potato blight resistance

In recent work published in the journal Horticulture Research, researchers from Northeast Agricultural University and Huazhong Agricultural University characterized a negative regulator of late blight resistance in potato.
Chinese researchers identify a new potato disease
Septiembre 29, 2020

Chinese researchers identify a new potato disease

Undescribed disease has been observed on potato plants during the growing season, and in tubers during the storage period, from Nileke County, Qitai County and other locations in Xinjiang, China.
Researchers identify new resistance genes protecting potato against Phytophthora infestans
Septiembre 23, 2020

Researchers identify new resistance genes protecting potato against Phytophthora infestans

In a collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the James Hutton institute, a study of a diploid wild potato with a high resistance to P. infestans led to the discovery of new resistance genes
Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation
Agosto 19, 2020

Across China: Hi-tech Potato Industry Boosts Poverty Alleviation

The potato industry in Ulanqab, dubbed the 'potato city' of China, has become one of the main industries to help farmers shake off poverty.
The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier
Julio 08, 2019

The 'Potato of the Future' Climate - Smarter and Healthier

The potato of the future will be more drought tolerant and disease resistant, more environmentally sustainable and climate smart, and meet the needs of producers and consumers.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China
Noviembre 01, 2018

World Potato Congress participates at the Potato Conference in Zhaotang, China

The Potato Conference in Zhaotong, China was held earlier this week on October 28 and 29, 2018. The World Potato Congress delegation made a significant contribution.
Kevin Clayton-Greene, an Australian potato industry researcher honoured at World Potato Congress 2015
Julio 29, 2015

Australian potato industry researcher honoured at World Potato Congress

Australian horticulture researcher and industry stalwart Dr Kevin Clayton-Greene has been honoured with a prestigious Industry Recognition Award at the 9th World Potato Congress in Beijing, China.
 Developing China Peru relations
Julio 27, 2013

Using the Potato to Develop China-Peru Relations

For over 30 years, the International Potato Center (CIP) has played a significant role in developing Sino-Peruvian relations through the introduction and promotion of various varieties of drought and disease resistant potato and sweet potato to China.


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